4150 Vapor Stop Epoxy is now being Stocked in Charcoal

Due to the many requests from our customers, we have decided to stock Charcoal in the 1.5 Gal Kits. Our Vapor Stop Moisture Blocking Epoxy Flooring is becoming very popular for coating over concrete floors that are suspect of having higher than normal moisture vapor as well as over deteriorated concrete floors. This is due to the extreme “Wicking Technology” that we have built into the product. 4150 Primer is a Moisture & Vapor Blocking Pigmented Two Component Epoxy Primer and Sealer designed to reduce MVE (moisture vapor emissions) from concrete floors to acceptable levels for moisture and vapor sensitive flooring systems and coatings. It is not uncommon for 4150 to reduce 15lbs of MVE down to 2lbs. 4150 works so well that it will penetrate and cure within concrete even when applied under water. The system is applied easily by roller or squeegee without odors or flammability issues that could disrupt surrounding operations. Use 4150 Ultra Deep Penetrating Moisture & Vapor Blocking Epoxy Concrete Flooring Primer below a wood, VCT or other type of non-breathing floor system to control MVT (moisture vapor transmission). 4150 Primer Pigmented Two Component Epoxy Sealer will also act as a standalone Concrete Flooring Sealer that penetrates deep into the concrete to provide an sealed coated concrete surface while also controlling MVT.

4150 Moisture Blocking Epoxy Flooring Pigmented Primer-Sealer